Knowing causes of Irregular menstruation

Posted by ain sudin | 1:11 PM

Some doubt very common among women is related to menstruation, because many suffer from this problem. You want to know what happens when your period is regular menstruation does not come?
There are several types of problem that may occur and every woman has one, some women have problems during the menstrual cycle may occur in some cases the total absence of menstruation, menstruate often some, while others have unexpected bleeding or may be very painful. When a woman has the full absence of menstruation and this was not caused by pregnancy, this can be a sign that something is really wrong.

But it need not be afraid, because many factors can cause these irregularities during the menstrual period, some of them are really innocent, that is caused by emotional imbalance and can also be by physical imbalance, this can cause it to occur in our body a discomfort, other problems, but may be of a more serious and requires extra care. For you to have a control to make sure that there are some strange things happening on your period, you would be interesting to note the first day of menstruation every month, making it easy to identify this problem.

After the first period, in some cases this can occur two to three times in one month or in other cases go two months without menstruating, but this often occurs without showing great concern to our health, we say that something can be considered normal, it is noteworthy to find a qualified specialist is of utmost importance.
See below, some common problems that may affect menstruation include:

- Amenorrhea, this issue features the absence of menstrual periods and can be divided into two different stages, ie primary amenorréia that typically occurs among girls 14 to 16 years who have never menstruated, or those who show no signs of development as For example, breast growth, pubic hair and also has the secondary amenorrhea in this case the problem was the absence of menstruation for six consecutive months to women who have had regular cycles.
- These fibroids are benign tumors of the uterus, and when the individual has this problem is occurring with increased menstrual flow.
Hormonal changes, such as thyroid hormones can alter the menstrual period.

- Ovaries micropolycystic, who has this problem it can interfere too much in the absence of menses, ovarian cysts are small that disrupt hormones, this causes changes to occur in the menstrual symptoms are easily identified which is increased weight, hair and appearance of acnes.

- Ovarian cyst: This is already characterized by the existence of a cyst, most often large in the ovary in some cases this problem can cause pain.

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